Weekend Vibes, my friends!! It being a weekend, often times we aren't so drawn to that cup of coffee as our resurrection for the day. On the opposite, during the week, that first cup of coffee proves our saving grace. I was this person! I promise! That being said, let's speak to our friends who are trying to "can" the coffee & switch specifically to tea. Also, we aren't trying to bash our coffee comrades! If you enjoy a coffee in your morning routine from our friends at local coffee shops, we love them; more power to you! This blog...
Half way through our week already tea people! How did that happen?? Here's hoping your weeks are going splendid & that you get a chance to enjoy the beautiful sunshine today! This week, here at the shop, we stumbled upon a unique epiphany. Three of us have read the eye opening book, "The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts" written by Gary D. Chapman. This is a beautifully written book highlighting the different ways in which we, as human beings, show, express, & feel love. These languages include Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, &...
Again, we say, Happy Monday, friends! Our goal here is to make Monday's more bearable for you, not such a downer, & hopefully even so, that you look forward to them! Today, we want to talk to you about teabags. While we don't totally denounce teabags, as we do sell a certain variety here, we are so much more pro infuser! & here's are the reasons why! 1. Do your part to "Go green!" & contribute to saving the environment. While teabags are a one or two time use product & all inevitably end up in a landfill, our infuser...
Almost through the week, friends! At Good Life Tea, we are hoping you all are enjoying this week as well as looking forward to the warmth that is coming this weekend! As the week winds down, I’ve come to think about how often we do in fact, wind down, & often times, how difficult that can be. Why is this? For instance, every night we must calm ourselves down, after our long, tenuous days when it is time for bed. For many, this can be difficult & take hours at a time. These are valuable sleeping hours that we need!...