Today, we wanted to touch upon some recent current events happening in the tea market & keep you up to date. On May 10th, in Washington, the U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer announced a tariff increase on Chinese goods of 10% to 25% effective immediately. The US tariff will apply to tea and tea ware from China. What does this mean for you & what should you expect? Immediately, you shouldn't expect any changes due to the goods already in transit from China being exempt from this tariff. China also increased their tax on U.S. goods that include coffee that will take...
Hi, friends! I hope you are all able to get out today & enjoy the sunshine! I don't know about you, but this weather has me feeling great & excited for the upcoming summer temperatures! Today, I want to talk to you guys about the differences between using an electric kettle versus a stove top kettle & the different advantages of it. While we at Good Life do encourage brewing & drinking tea in any manner, below you will find 5 reasons that using an electric kettle can be preferential & why we recommend doing so! Blog Key Takeaways: -...
Happy Tuesday, tea people! We hope you are all staying dry & warm this week with the rainy weather! You know what they say, "April showers, bring May flowers!". We are ready for those May flowers! Speaking of flowers & all that comes with it, warmer weather is just around the corner for us! For us, this means iced tea! Who doesn't so enjoy a sip of your favorite iced tea on a hot summer day? It always seems to be the perfect thirst quencher & reminds you of simpler summer days. While iced tea is quite the bulls-eye of a...
Hello, tea friends! Hoping you all are having a wonderful week & looking forward to some hopefully less rainy days! Today we are going to hit you with some very surprising facts! First, get this, Gandhi did not drink tea! Who would have thought?! Usually we associate Gandhi with a very peaceful demeanor & often times tea is has the same connotations so it is very unforeseen that he wouldn't enjoy such a beverage. You are probably asking yourself why such a harmonious man would forgo this delectably delicious & calming drink. He had a few different reasons for averting...