Good morning, tea ladies and gents! You are almost to Friday! Congratulations! You've got this! Today, let's get right down to business. I am coming to you to answer a question that we regularly get asked here at the shop; "How do I make a Chai Tea Latte?". Chai Tea Lattes are drinks that many people often associate with being "fancy", "specialty", "difficult to make", "expensive", etc. We are here to bring light to the that falsity, and let you know that you can easily make these tasty treats in the comfort of your own home! Let's begin with detailing...
Good morning, star gazing tea sippers! I hope that you all had an absolutely lovely weekend, were able to enjoy the gorgeous weather we were blessed to have, and are already having a productive start to your week. Today, I am coming to you with an interesting and fun topic. Have you ever explored the zodiac signs? Do you know which one you are? For those a bit unfamiliar, there are 12 astrological (AKA zodiac) signs that are assigned to individuals depending on their birthday. Why are they called "astrological" signs, you ask? This is because they are determined by which constellation...
Good morning, sippers! We hope that you are having a lovely Mother's Day and have been able to share a cup of tea with a mother in your life. Today, we have some exciting news to share with you. Below you will find a copy of our most recent press release detailing the newest and most exciting change for us at Good Life Tea. Hold onto your seats! "This week, after a few signatures, a handshake and a hug, the ownership of Good Life Tea at 181 South Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424 passed from the estate of Rob OBrien to Susan...
Good morning, Good Life Tea-ers! We are hoping you that you all had a wonderful weekend, were able to get out and enjoy some of the sunshine we were lucky enough to receive, and are ready to crush anything that this week may throw your way! We have some exciting news for you this morning, as well. We have a brand new, innovative, and exciting product to introduce! We are proud to bring to you all, the new Mennä Travel Tea Mug. This great new addition to our tea ware collection is the easiest, most efficient way to take any...