Good morning, star gazing tea sippers! I hope that you all had an absolutely lovely weekend, were able to enjoy the gorgeous weather we were blessed to have, and are already having a productive start to your week.
Today, I am coming to you with an interesting and fun topic. Have you ever explored the zodiac signs? Do you know which one you are? For those a bit unfamiliar, there are 12 astrological (AKA zodiac) signs that are assigned to individuals depending on their birthday. Why are they called "astrological" signs, you ask? This is because they are determined by which constellation the Sun and stars were "in" on the day you were born. The 12 zodiac signs are as follows:
Each zodiac sign is unique and is associated with your different personality traits, your character expression, how you handle your emotions, etc. For today's blog post, I will briefly detail each of the zodiac signs, which tea Good Life Tea recommends for that respective sign, and why. Check it out now!

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Good morning, Aquarius angel! Welcome to the age of Aquarius, am I right? You are a very unique individual and you love that. You don't like being labeled and while you may think you are quiet and shy, you love being around other people and helping others to succeed. You are extraordinarily intellectual in your thinking and you are a humanitarian in that you most regularly view things as "There is no me, only we." While you love camaraderie and being around others, one of your dislikes is being lonely or dull situations. This is why we believe that perfect tea for you to be our Earl Grey with Lavender. Our Earl Grey by itself may be too dull or lonely for you, but with the addition of lavender, you will be delighted. It adds a complement for the already diverse earl grey tea flavors and the layering will allow you to do that deep thinking that you love and crave.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)
What's poppin' Pisces? We love you because you are most oftentimes compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, and musical. You are exceptionally selfless and continually give of yourself with no expectation of anything in return. We also admire you for your acceptance of all different walks of life and see this reflected in that you are surrounded by all types, even the unexpected! What makes you so interesting proves that in growing in friendship with you, you continually unveil layers of yourself that you have kept to yourself previously. Because of this trait, we think a great tea to exemplify you is our Heaven Sent Chai. This tea is comprised of various tiers of flavor including a base of black Ceylon tea, followed by, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and the unexpected culprit here, black pepper! These flavors will slowly be revealed revealed across your palette, Pisces. Think of them as you go about slowly divulging the details of yourself!

Aries (March 21st- April 19th)
Aloha, Aries! I say that as your traits of courageousness, confidence, enthusiasm, and passion have led us to the conclusion that the tea you embody is our Hello Hawaii. I included our tea for you in the first sentence here as you don't like, or appreciate dilly dallying. You are direct and like to accomplish your goals in an efficient manner. Hello Hawaii is also attributed to your thirst for adventure. Hawaii is full of endless adventures to be embarked upon which you so seek. Your independence that is sometimes compromised by your desire to share your adventures with someone is mirrored in the flavors of the Hello Hawaii green tea. In it you will taste both pineapple and papaya that while both strong and tropical, layer and complement each other beautifully to help you arrive at your next accomplishment!

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
Today, Taurus, we want to recognize you for all the admirable qualities that you grace us with. You are unwaveringly reliable to those around you and practice perfect patience with them as well. Similarly, when you take a responsibility upon yourself, you are devoted to upholding this and seeing it through to the very end. While you are committed to such things, you also are practical with yourself in being honest about how much you are able to take on because you know how seriously you take your responsibilities. This makes you extremely trustworthy and dependable. Because you so well exhibit these qualities, we chose a tried and true black tea to represent you. Taurus, we refer you to the reputable Ceylon black tea. While this is a basic, black tea, it never fails us. It is the base for various other teas and when you just need something that you know you love, you can also put on a cup of Ceylon. It is a constant, steady, and secure choice; just like you!

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)
Greetings, Gemini! We so love you for your versatility. You are the life of the party in one moment, but so easily can adapt to any serious situation that may arise. You are a quick learner and gentle in your ways. You are particularly affectionate with those you love and don't hesitate to wrap your arms around anyone in your circle. We applaud your ever present mindset of, glass-half-full. You do not ruminate in the past and keep your focus away from "what might have been". Due to your adaptability and gentle nature, we think a good tea to illustrate you proves our White Peach. Due to it being a white tea, it is rather light and tender in flavor. It is not overwhelming but you will certainly be transported to sweet summer days in the peach orchards as you sip it. As you are versatile in your life, White Peach is versatile in that it is absolutely delicious served both hot and cold. Pucker up and try a cup of this today, Gemi!

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)
Cool off, Cancer, you're the good kind of cancer that we love to love! You can be so emotional sometimes! Don't worry, we won't hold it against you. You have so many other great qualities. You are undeniably and unyieldingly loyal. When you find someone you care for, you will be by their side for eternity, no matter the circumstance. You are also tenacious in all things that you take upon yourself. When you set your mind to a goal, you become relentless. Whether that be scaling a rock wall or finishing your dinner, there is no other option in your book than success. One often overlooked quality that we don't want to forget to mention about you is your propensity for infinite imagination. We praise you for your childlike wonderment and the ability to put aside the bounds of reality. Because of this, we want to attribute one of our teas that we often recommend to children for you. We think that our Last Mango in Paris is the perfect partner for your strolls down Imagination Avenue. It is comprised of dried mango, orange, and apple that is complemented by hibiscus, rosehips, and elderberries. It is a excellent alternative to Kool Aid and with the onset of spring and summer we highly recommend it served over ice!

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)
We are hearing you roar, Leo. You are a born leader and we love your self confidence. You are steadfast in your ways and want to show those around you that you know the best way to really get things done! Sometimes this can take courage which you are certainly not short in either. Just like your sign, the lion, you command your pride. Your jovial ways make you hard to resist as well, which makes it even easier for you to assert yourself. As mentioned, you are a commander of your community, and our leader for teas here is our Hot Cinnamon Spice, so we found this to undoubtably fitting to you. Just like you, it is spicy! The flavors in this tea are bold, fiery, and resolute. You will find yourself tasting 3 different types of cinnamon (who even knew there were 3 different types of cinnamon?!) a top a bed of black tea. You will also notice a slight citrus. We often hear the flavor profile to be compared to that of "Big Red" gum. If you are partial to this, then this is the tea for you. What's even better? We offer this tea in both a decaf and caffeine free (rooibos) version so you can enjoy all day long!

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
How goes it, Virgo? For you, we can guess that every "i" has been dotted, every "t" has been crossed, and that you have left nothing to chance. You are extremely detail oriented in everything that you do, and you aren't afraid to roll your sleeves up when the time comes to grind. You are hardworking, analytical, practical, and loyal. Because Mercury is the ruling planet in your sign, you have advanced development in your speech, your writing, and your other forms of communication. With of all of this combined, we know that you are going to need something to help keep you focused, engaged, and hard at work. One tea that we know works for this is our Roasted Yerba Mate. Originally enjoyed by the Brazilian gauchos to keep them ready and alert in their herding, this herbal tea carries all the benefits that a highly caffeinated beverage does, without the dreaded crash. It embodies an almost coffee-like, nutty flavor, with caramel notes to complement. The lack of the caffeine crash is due to Mate not having any true caffeine in it. Instead, it utilizes a "cousin" to caffeine, known as mateine. It is very similar in chemical structure, yet just different enough avoid the downside of the crash. We highly recommend you sip on this, Virgo. You won't regret it!

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
Oh sweet, Libra, we love you. We love how gentle and sweet you are in everything that you do. We love that you are gracious and kind. We love that you are a master of compromise and always aim to give everyone involved at least a little of what they are looking for. Due to this praiseworthy trait, we think an appropriate tea to assign to you would be our Peaceful Journey oolong tea. We know that you like to keep the peace in any journey so this couldn't be more fitting! Likewise, oolong teas are a compromise between black and green teas. By this, we mean that the tea leaves have been both wilted and steamed (wilted like the black teas, and steamed as green teas are). You get the best of both worlds! With Peaceful Journey you will taste the understanding between black and green teas accompanied by hints of hibiscus. The sensations it invokes upon your taste buds can be described as tranquil, smooth, and harmonious. Look for this tea next time you are trying to keep the peace, Libra. We know you'll love it just as much as we love you!

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)
Well, we might as well say, "Sayonara, Scorpio!" here because you are undoubtably off blazing your own new trail already! Scorpio, you are a passionate, independent, and exceptionally resourceful. You are ruthless in your search for the facts and uncovering truths. But while you are eager to uncover the truths around you, your friends and those close to you, know that if they have a secret they need to tell someone, it is you. You are like a locked vault when it comes to secrets and you can be trusted with even the darkest of them. If someone tells chooses you to confide in, they can surely sleep easy at night knowing that their secrets are safe with you! Because of this, we believe our "Sleep Ease Tea" known as Sleep Better is just the tea to suit your sign. This is an herbal tea made up of valerian root, lemon myrtle, verbena, spearmint, chamomile, and lavender. While you are harboring secrets, let the sandman do his job with this one, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)
Salutations, Sagittarius! Are you laughing already this morning? We can bet you are! You have an unbelievably hilarious and relatable sense of humor. You love to make those around you truly laugh - you know those deep belly laughs that I'm talking about. You are not only quick to offer your jokes either, you are generous is all things that you do. You would gladly offer the shirt off your back and not even think twice about it. While you love fellowship and being surrounded by jolly jokesters, you also love adventure and aren't afraid to embark solo. You love the serenity of taking in the top of a mountain or listening to the lapping of waves on the shoreline unaccompanied and unencumbered. Because of this, combined with your restless hunger to explore, we think that our Japanese Sencha green tea is everything that you so yearn for. It takes a mere 3 minutes to steep, appealing to your lack of patience for anything that holds you back from venturing into the unknown. It is harvested from the hills of Mount Fuji and deserves to return to all of the mountains that you scale with you. In it, you will definitely taste the expected green and vegetal tones that green teas demonstrate. Don't save this for your next adventure, Sagittarius, grab it today!

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Come on, Capricorn, you've got this! Oh wait, you know you've got this. You are the most determined of the zodiac signs. Anything that you set your mind to, we can virtually already put a check in the box as "done". You are disciplined beyond belief and while some may say you're stubborn, we think you just simply know what you want and aren't willing to settle for anything less. You value things such as family, tradition, heritage, and quality craftsmanship. Because of these inherent values, we think that the perfect tea to please your palette proves our Yunnan Jig black tea. This is a historical tea that is recognizable by its beautiful golden tips. While this is a black tea, its flavor profile is enhanced and heightened by notes of cocoa black pepper. Have we peaked your instinctive curiosity, Capricorn? Yes, you need some Yunnan Jig today.