Good morning, tea drinkers! We have been so thrilled with the weather we were blessed with for Memorial Day weekend and finally feel the onset of those summer temperatures moving in. What's another signal that summer is in full swing? For me, it has always been the celebration of Father's Day. I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many strong fathers in my own life, as I imagine you all are as well. Similarly to how you may have read in our Mother's Day post, whether you have a father, are a father, know a father, or any combination of them all, we think that this day is so wonderful, important, & a good reminder to show all fathers how much we love & appreciate them.

You're probably thinking to yourself, "Hold up, Kaytea, it's Father's Day already?!". While I have been busy, and bit squirrelly lately, don't worry, I double checked and yes it really is coming up quick! June 19th will be here before we know it! Susan and I decided to release this blog now as we know that sometimes people don't know what to gift the father in their life with and we want to help. We also want to make sure that when you do decide that tea is just what they need, that you know you can reach out to us with any questions and know that we ship out immediately! We don't want you worrying about your gift arriving on time. Now that you know that I'm not completely crazy (the best people are a bit), let's talk about why tea is an often overlooked gift for dads and a couple teas that we recommend!

For whatever reason, we hear time and time again that customers associate tea, more so, with the feminine, and they don't even think to order it for men or fathers. What's that about, people?! Tea is for everyone! Furthermore, we have so many dads whom we know love tea already. My own dad loves tea! (I'll detail a few of his favorites and why he loves these later in the blog.)

What is something that a father in your life loves? One thing that many dads are drawn to proves the great outdoors. In truth, who doesn't love going out into the fresh air, taking in the beauty of the surrounding world, and just savoring a few moments with Mother Nature? I know I do! In enjoying the outdoors, one thing that I look forward to, especially in the summer, and that I rely upon my dad to help me with, is building a campfire. In the wintertime, I so long for the smell of campfire. I love how it stays on your clothes well into the following morning, and that you can reminisce on all the laughs and memories made the night before. If you have memories sitting around a campfire with your father, a good tea to give rise to these times is our
Lapsang Souchong. This distinctive and exquisite black tea is known for its smoky flavor. It incorporates the flavors of oak and smoke to be a very unique tea to gift even the most well versed of tea drinkers. The story behind our
Lapsang Souchong "
is that the men waiting to transport the gathered leaves were short on time, desperately needing to get to the market. Without the ability to undertake the traditional, patient, method of drying, they used pinewood fires, withering the leaves at an accelerated rate and leading to a final batch that had a unique, tarry, [and] tantalizing collection. Tasting fully like a black tea and yet carrying its smoky story, this tea is a must for black tea lovers and adventuresome tea explorers alike." (and dad's who love the outdoors and campfires!) What makes this an even more unique gift for the dad in your life, is this tea is a wonderful rub to use on meats as well. The smoky flavors that we have mentioned are a nice seasoning prior to the grill and will only enhance as the meat cooks. Everybody loves a two-in-one gift!
Another quality characteristic to most father figures is their tendency to be up early in the morning, and their inherent need to let everyone know about how early they were up and conquering the day. If this reminds you of your dad, perhaps you may think about gifting them an ounce or two of our
Citron Green tea. This is one of our most popular green teas and once your papa lets it touch his palette, you won't be wondering why. It is infused with lemon and we
regularly hear, "I didn't think I liked green tea and then I had your
Citron Green!". It doesn't embody the vegetal notes that are typically associated with green teas, rather, takes on more of a sweet and refreshing tone. What makes this even better? It is absolutely delicious iced. With temperatures rising, we wanted to make sure to suggest something that would keep both you and your dad cool!

While dads love to tell us that they get up early, they regularly tell us that they get no sleep as well! What the heck is that?! If your dad regularly tells you that you cause him to lose sleep (my dad tells my siblings and I this all the time) then I highly recommend our
Sleep Better tea for him. Our
Sleep Better is a combination of v
alerian root, lemon myrtle, verbena, spearmint, chamomile, and lavender. My dad routinely tells me that he can't sleep, and just guess how I have been responding to that. I started brewing him a cup of this every night! My boyfriend has even fallen in love as well! I've even got my brother on board and he's a college athlete who swears by it. If your dad is having trouble sleeping, this is the one for him.

I'll end here with my dad's personal favorites. My father's favorite Good Life Tea is our
Roasted Yerba Mate. Why, you ask? He loves it because I introduced him and he loves the productivity that follows.
Roasted Yerba Mate is comparable to coffee without the crash. It is a dark, smoky flavor without the despicable drop later on. My dad's other favorite, on the other end of our spectrum, is our S
ilver Needles. Our
Silver Needles is our best white tea. It is light. It is crisp. And my dad absolutely loves it first thing in the morning. He calls it "the champagne of teas". I do hope that you and any father in your life try these teas! Let us know what you think! - Kaytea :)
P.S. Don't forget to snap a picture of your dad enjoying his tea on Father's Day! I would love to feature it on our social media accounts!