Good morning, loves! I am coming to you today to remind you and encourage you to check out our Valentine's Day Collections! We have plenty in stock and you still have plenty of time to order for your special someone! In this post, I'll be doing a brief overview of each collection, with links directly to them, and ending with a few other suggestions on how to spoil your swee-tea on this upcoming special day!

Let's start with our "Chocolate Lovers" Set! As mentioned in the description on the website, we all have a chocaholic in our lives. This set is the perfect gift for them as it includes our most popular teas with prominent and delicious chocolate notes. In this set, your beloved will find 3 ounces of tea; 1 ounce of each of the following. We have included an ounce of our Florence tea, an ounce of our Chocolate Truffle (this one has actual chocolate bits in it!), and an ounce of our Chocolate Mint black tea. Click on each link to learn a bit more of each of these teas!

Next up is our "Dreaming of You" set. Do you find yourself so infatuated with your special someone this year that they have found their way, not only into your heart, but also your dreams? We know this feeling and because of this, we created this set! "Dreaming of You" includes two ounces of two of our most popular teas for those that are looking to drift off into dreamland. We started with two ounces of our Gentle Slumber which is a blend of rooibos, chamomile and peppermint. These herbal components are known for their powerful calming effects. With Gentle Slumber, we knew we also had to include our Sleep Better. This, again, is a very powerful and totally organic, caffeine free blend of valerian root, lemon myrtle, verbena, spearmint, chamomile, and lavender. My family swears by this tea to ensure sweet dreams! I highly recommend it for you and your honey (with a little honey) too!

If you are just at the beginning of a relationship and worried about throwing the "L word" (love) out there and scaring off your special someone, yet you want them to know that you are thinking about them, this next set is the one for you. The "Thinking of You Bouquet" is the way to say to your new flame "I'm thinking about you and I want you to know!". It's also a new and fresh way to do so, as opposed to the ever expected bouquet of flowers! In this set we have included one ounce of each of the following two teas, Kyoto Cherry Rose and Blue Sapphire, plus a hand tied Jasmine Flower burst! Kyoto Cherry Rose is our most popular green tea and it will soon become no secret as to why for you. Our Blue Sapphire is a black tea that hails from Kenya and is graced with blue cornflowers which add a beautiful, visual elegance. Lastly, we added one of our hand tied Jasmine Flower bursts to this "bouquet" as these are a treat for both the taste buds and the eyes! Make sure that the lucky recipient of your "Thinking of You Bouquet" knows to watch this special addition steep in a clear glass as it will quite literally bloom before their eyes!

Finally, the last set in the 2024 Valentine's Day Collection is our "Run Away with Me". Oh, the bliss that is associated with leaving all of our problems behind and running away with someone we love! That is what this collection exemplifies and sipping on either of these will make you want to do just that! In this set, your darling will receive 2 ounces of each of these teas; our Hello Hawaii and our Peaceful Journey. Let these teas allow you to go on a little vacation with your heartthrob without ever having to leave the house and with a fraction of the cost!

Some other little additions that we feel would be absolutely perfect to add for your Valentine are our amber sugar crystals (some sugar for your sugar ;)), any of our rooibos, or red, teas (hello, caffeine free!), or perhaps, one of our adorable tea pots! (Don't tell, but I got one of our 45 ounce Round Ceramic Teapots for my fiancé this year!)

Lastly, if you are located locally, please don't forget that we offer a pick up option to make sure you don't have to deal with the nerves of the waiting for it to arrive! We want to make sure your sweetie feels just as spoiled as they should! We hope you are all staying safe, warm, and are feeling the love! Happy sipping! - Kaytea :)