Good morning! You are more than half way through the work week, tea friends! Go you! I am hoping you all have had a wonderful week, were able to stay cool in this awesome weather we have been having, & have fun-filled weekends plans ahead as it looks like it's going to be toasty!
Speaking of these upcoming sweltering temperatures (both this weekend and for the summer months in general)...
Many of you have reached out to us, whether it be in the store or online, inquiring about our iced tea recommendations. The great news is that all of our teas can be made into iced teas! This blog post will highlight our top 5 iced teas but if you have questions on any of our other teas, feel free to shoot us an email (info@goodlifetea.com) & let us know!
P.S. We love to hear your own recommendations as well! If you have a tea that you just simply adore iced, please let us know!

Our Last Mango in Paris tea is a tisane tea. For our tea newbies, a tisane tea is actually not tea at all. That being said, they are simply not made from tea leaves. Tisane teas are comprised of dried fruits & herbs to give unique flavors! Last Mango in Paris features the fruity of flavors of mango, orange, & apple, highlighted by floral notes of hibiscus & rosehips. This tea is one of our best sellers for tisanes & is enjoyed both hot & cold! Iced, the mango, orange, & apple flavors are sure to quench your thirst on a hot day while the rosehips & hibiscus leave you feeling refreshed!
When you hear the name of this tea, don't you just feel that cool waterfall mist on your face? I certainly do & it reminds me of being somewhere tropical in the summer! Our Angel Falls Mist is another tisane tea. It contains the classic summer savors of orange & apple pieces complemented by notes of hibiscus, rosehips, & calendula. It is one of my personal favorites & kids love it too! Pour it over ice & it is almost a more sophisticated (sugarless) Kool Aid!
As it is peak raspberry harvesting season in our neck of the woods, many of you are craving the light, fruity flavor of raspberries. Our Decaf Raspberry tea holds a base of our Ceylon black tea which is infused with a light raspberry flavor. It is subtle & just the right thing to scratch that itch you have for some raspberries. It being decaf as well, you are free to enjoy it all day long! Allow yourself a little evening cool down with a glass of our iced Decaf Raspberry!
4. Decaf Mango
Just like our Decaf Raspberry, our Decaf Mango encompasses a base of our Ceylon black tea. It is conversely infused with flavors of sweet, ripe mangos instead though. This tea is a beautiful afternoon iced tea as mangos, native to Sri Lanka, are said to be a symbol of bliss. I'm not sure about you guys, but by the afternoon, sometimes, I could really use some bliss to get me through! Add some frozen strawberries to this iced tea & you are sure to be swooning!
5. Citron Green
Alright, green tea lovers, we've got one for you too! Our Citron Green is one of our most popular green teas. It forgoes the orange or herbaceous flavors of the previous teas mentioned & relies completely on the natural green tea flavor with a lemon zest. Why we highly recommend this as an iced tea as, traditionally, Americans think of iced tea to be a black tea, sweetened or not, with a dash of lemon. Our Citron Green already has the lemon infused & this flavoring often eliminates the need for sugar making it healthier! It proves incredibly thirst quenching & contains a moderate caffeine content making it the perfect drink to get you going in the morning!
If you love iced tea as much as we do, we assume you'll be making quite a bit of it. Don't worry, we can help you there too. Our Mist Tea Pitchers make making iced tea a breeze. All you need to do is cover the bottom of your pitcher with your favorite tea (perhaps a little more if you are looking for a stronger flavor profile), fill the remainder of the pitcher with water, and let sit in your fridge for 2-6 hours. I usually brew mine over night. Violà! You have a full pitcher of iced tea to be enjoyed all day long! Seriously, it's really that easy! If you have any more questions on this, please reference this blog post specific to the Mist Pitcher!
We are hoping you all stay calm, cool, & collected as the summer is well on it's way! If you have any recommendations of your own for iced teas, what you add to your iced teas, etc. please let us know! Enjoy the weekend and happy sipping!- Kaytea :)