Good morning, friends! Hoping you all had an amazing weekend & that your Monday morning wasn't too brutal. I don't know about you all, but this weekend for me seemed to be absolutely jam packed! It seemed as though almost every festival, celebration, homecoming, craft show, etc just happen to fall on this particular weekend. While this certainly was an absolute blast & tons of fall fun, I woke up this morning definitely feeling those Monday blues.
For these kinds of Monday's, or any day really, when you need that little extra "oomph", we have a couple teas in particular to help!
First, we'll start with our Pu-Erh! I choose to start with this tea as many compare it's earthy tones to that of coffee. Those who try it often fall in love & swear by it. The moderate to high caffeine content will help you to shake that pesky case of the "yawns". Furthermore, if you are working on a diet or just trying to stay on the healthiest track, this tea is known for it's suppression of the body's fat producing processes! Bonus!
The next tea we will talk about is my own personal favorite tea, our Roasted Yerba Mate! This is my favorite tea for so many reasons which are explained further in the previous blog posts I will link below. But for the purpose of this particular blog post, Roasted Yerba Mate proves a definite contender to any Monday morning! This tea is high in a derivative of the caffeine molecule, known as mateine. This molecule mimics the positive, pump up, qualities that we so love about caffeine, but conveniently, negates to have that terrible crash. It not only gives us extra energy to get through the morning, it also, again, deters your cravings, but also, is said to help improve focus! What could be better?! (I love to sweeten mine with our Raw Amber Sugar Crystals! Try it & let me know what you think!)
"What is Mate?"
Blog Post More On Why I Love Roasted Yerba Mate!
Following the Mate, let's talk about one of our newer teas, our Rhapsody in Blue! This addition to our White Tea Collection features both light blueberry & raspberry notes, which to me, helps hold onto summer just a bit longer! The name alludes to the smoothness of the flavors in this tea which will also help to ease us into the fall temperatures. With its moderate to high caffeine level, again, this tea is sure to smoothly sashay you into the afternoon!
The last tea that I'll touch upon here is our Citron Green. Our Citron Green tea is as expected, a green tea, with a moderate to high level of caffeine. Hailing from China, this tea is delightfully light with a twist of citrus! This twist of citrus proves pertinent for us, in that lemon is known to have the effect of waking one up! Here at the shop, we've also heard that this tea is excellent both hot & cold! So if that first cup in the morning doesn't get your over the hump, try an iced glass of this tea later!
Hopefully your Monday wasn't too terrible & going forward these teas help to avoid those terrible Monday blues! If you have any other favorites to ease the pains of Monday morning or you have any comments on the ones mentioned above, please comment below! I love your feedback! Stay dry! - Kaytea :)