Hello friends! First of all, I apologize for being MIA these past couple weeks. I’m sure you all have been just as busy as I have with the shopping, holiday festivities, family get-togethers, and whatnot that fill our December and early January. In the blur that it becomes, often times we find ourselves to be exhausted post New Years.
As I am not immune to this post celebration collapse, I began to do a little research on the teas available here at Good Life Tea that help to “Relax, Refresh, and Rejuvenate”! Although, I was aware of some of the classic teas such as chamomile to help with this, I was giddy to find out the plethora of other teas available to promote restfulness and coziness.
Here, at Good Life Tea we do have the classic chamomile available. Chamomile is an ancient herb from the Roman Empire that has been traditionally used to promote relaxation and sedation. Chamomile works by binding to receptors in your brain to depress your central nervous system and therefore promote restfulness. In our Chamomile tea you will see whole chamomile flowers that are preserved in such a way to maintain their full chemical properties for tranquility and sleepiness.
>>>>> Catch up with Chamomile here! <<<<<
As well as the classic chamomile, we also have two other tea blends, which include chamomile as a key ingredient. First, our “Gentle Slumber” blend features chamomile flowers, rooibos tea, and peppermint. Rooibos tea is grown solely in South Africa, and relatively new when speaking on the tea timeline (only used in the last 200 years). It is caffeine-free, loaded with tons of antioxidants, and endorsed by none other than Dr. Oz to help not only with relaxation, but also weight loss! Bonus! The last ingredient of the Gentle Slumber, the peppermint has long since been known to advocate for a tranquilizing of digestive distress. The peppermint in this tisane tea also adds a nice refreshing finish for your palette.
>>>>> Grab your own "Gentle Slumber" here! <<<<<
Our second blend that includes chamomile is a tea known as “C of Tranquility”. We make this blend in house so it is unique to our shop. As suggested in the name, this tisane tea bolsters feelings of peace of mind and body while also nurturing feelings of sleepiness. The ingredients in this tea include chamomile, rosehips, hibiscus, blueberry, and rock sugar. This blend encourages serenity with its floral notes while also supporting sleep aid from the chamomile component.
While these are only three of our lovely teas, if you look on our website you will see a whole page dedicated to some of our other “Sleep Ease Teas”. All of these teas are either decaffeinated or caffeine free. (There is a difference which I learned working here too!) On this page you will see many fruit tisane teas including our most popular “Last Mango in Paris”. You will also notice more of our rooibos teas, which as previously stated are packed with antioxidants which are great for overall health but also, to prevent diseases. A few other teas that I highly recommend for sleep aid are our lavender tea, our Lakeside Calm tea, Lemongrass, and Ginger’s Island.
>>>>> See all the Sleep Ease Teas <<<<<
As I curl up to relax and rejuvenate this weekend I am currently drinking a cup of C of Tranquility and reflecting on the wonderful year that 2017 has been. I started working here this year and have been introduced to the wonderful world of tea and all that is has to offer. As I nod off with this tea I hope I dream of all the amazing things that 2018 has in store. Come pick up some of your own tea to help you relax in these last few days! Please leave comments on any teas that have helped you "Relax. Refresh. Rejuvenate!" Happy sipping! – Kay-tea :)