Good morning, sippers! We hope that you are having a productive week! My youngest sister is in college now and this past week she has been mentioning to me that she is having angst about the upcoming finals. As I grow older, and get further away from my own college days, I sometimes forget that the time right before finals always proved to be very nerve-racking, anxiety ridden, and tense. The last few weeks of the school year inevitably included numerous all night study sessions, extended hours spent in the library, and pre-test jitters. To help with all of these, I had a few teas to turn to and ones that I still recommend to the studying scholars around me. Below I'll detail a few of our teas that I highly recommend for the college student in your life that is enduring that final push before the glorious trip home for summer!

One tea that I made sure to always have on hand during finals proved our
Roasted Yerba Mate. For regular readers, you know that this is my favorite tea, and it was during this period in my life when it became my #1! I love it for it's high mateine (a close cousin of caffeine) content, which allows for the heightened energy, increased concentration, focus, and determination, but doesn't have the pesky "crash" that you may see with high sugar or caffeine drinks (Another perk of Good Life Teas are none of them have any added sugars!). I also love the taste of this tea as it is similar to a coffee or deep black tea. I like to sweeten it with lemon for an added citrus awakening note and highly recommend it, not just to college students for finals, but anyone who is looking for an increased work drive. Gift this to your compadres in the trenches of finals to help them get through!

Roasted Yerba Mate can help students power through the wee hours of the night and finish up that last term paper, we realize that sleep is an important component of making sure that they are well rested and in a good frame of mind to take their finals as well. For this, we recommend trying our
Sleep Better tea.
Sleep Better is one of our herbal blends that incorporates v
alerian root, lemon myrtle, verbena, spearmint, chamomile, and lavender. My siblings, two being students, and one being a teacher, all swear by this tea, in terms of summoning the Sand Man. This tea helps sippers to relax in the evening after a long day of studying and ensures that they will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle that test!

A few last teas that I'll recommend here to ensure productivity for your favorite pupil include our
Lemongrass and
Rosehips. Again, these are both herbal teas and completely caffeine free, yet they are incredibly high in vitamin C content. When your student is putting their mind and body under the increased stress of studying, important tests or papers, and at the same time probably losing a little sleep, it is imperative that they remain healthy. To do so, these teas ensure that they are getting their vitamin C, which is essential to avoiding colds or viruses that may be floating around. What makes these even better and more versatile is that we regularly see these added to and mixed in with other teas! One in particular proves our
Ginger's Island, which fortunately already has some
Lemongrass included!

We have covered this topic in our blog previously and received tremendous feedback. To learn more, or check out some of our other recommendations, I've included previous done blogs below. If you have any teas that you or someone you know loves for studying, feel free to leave a comment! We love to know what you are sipping on! Good luck with finals and be on the lookout for our teas we'll be recommending for the increasing temperatures! - Kaytea :)
P.S. If you are looking for a few other teas to help with relaxation or helping the student in your life calm down from test nerves, we recommend our Lakeside Calm, our Gentle Slumber, or our Joyful Release!