Hi friends! We hope you are all having a beautiful week & are enjoying the springtime that is upon us! Next week, we have a special day coming up... Mother's Day! Whether you have a mother, are a mother, know a mother, or any combination of them all, we think that this day is so overwhelming wonderful & a good reminder to show all mother's how much we love & appreciate them. What better way to show the mother's in our lives this unrelenting affection than with tea! Below we will give you some quotes from renowned individuals on mothers, as well as some of our teas that we think are best suited for all the mamas!
"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."
- Abraham Lincoln
We sometimes forget how much mother's truly do. Many mothers are responsible for housework, cooking, cleaning, etc. Other mothers do their part by working in the world to earn a living & support their families. Some do both! They do all this amidst doing their best to care for their little ones emotionally & spiritually, as well as setting a good example. All of this can be exhausting & doesn't leave much time for them to relax & rejuvenate! This Mother's Day why not brew a mother in your life a cup of our Earl Grey with Lavender tea. This tea is a delightful blend of our Earl Grey Supreme as a base, with our French lavender to ensure aromas of relaxation. What's even better is if you want to surprise your mom before bed this delectable tea comes in a decaf blend as well!
Earl Grey with Lavender
"Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother."
- Unknown
When you don't know what to do or how to handle a situation, who is the first person you call? More often than not, for me, it's my mother. She knows how to do anything from bake the perfect batch of cookies, to change a tire, to mend a broken heart. I have such confidence in her expertise that I think if I called her for instructions on how to disable a bomb, she would know exactly how to do so. It seems that all mothers have this unbelievable breadth of knowledge and it never ceases to amaze. A tea that seems to encompass a wide range of flavors, similar to a mother's wide range of expertise, is our Blue Eyes. This tea brings in flavors of a fruity nature from apple & orange, to blend with floral notes of hibiscus, cornflower, and rosehips. It is lovely both hot & cold & was voted "Best Tea" by 20-somethings in Canandaigua.
Blue Eyes
Chocolate Truffle Oolong Tea