Hello, tea friends! Have you tried our Maple black tea yet? It's been getting a lot of attention here at the shop and we know why. It's delicious! This blog article details more on this tea, and lets you know why it should be on your list of teas to try!

Alas, it actually is the beginning of the end of our sweet summer, but fear not, we at Good Life are here to embrace it with you and, furthermore, celebrate it! The cooler temperatures have started to move our direction and we are definitely starting to move our sweater collections down from the attic. Which flavors come to mind for you when you think of autumn? No doubt about it, we often hear that you guys immediately reach for that Hot Cinnamon Spice; or perhaps, you gravitate toward, African Autumn (it's in the name, Kaytea, duh!). I have another idea!

Recently, one that has been sitting on my shelf and screaming "Fall for me!" (pun intended ;) ), is our Maple Tea! Our Maple Tea is one of our best sellers, and not just this time of year. This tea is a black tea that is highlighted with the coveted flavors of maple. As I sit here trying to capture just how exquisite this tea is, I can't help but default to the description from our website which epitomizes it perfectly:
"If you are from the North Country, or just love maple syrup as well as a nice hot cup of tea, you must try Organic Maple tea; an understandable best seller. With a rich, distinctive flavor and unique capacity to warm even the most Canadian of chilled bones, this deep, rich, and pungent black tea is laced with the most delicious of maple flavorings. The marriage of tart and woodsy, with sweet and delectable -- this black tea with its crave-worthy maple syrup taste ensures a perfect cup for a chilly night or a brisk morning."

This description captures our Maple tea to a T(ea). The black tea is infused with real, pure maple syrup and then highlighted with calendula (of the marigold family) and sunflower petals for that extra touch of beauty!
I, personally, just enjoyed this tea on our last Sunday afternoon as the perfect little pick me up. It contains a mild caffeine content which is just what I needed to get a little work done but remain relaxed. It doesn't give me a jolt, but will keep me going and productive every time! Also, I wanted to make certain to give a shout out to our customer, Bristol from Riverton, Wyoming! Bristol, you left a review suggesting an over-brewing of this tea to release some of the smoky flavors, as well as adding some vanilla almond milk, and I can now thoroughly concur with your review! This is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone!
(P.S. I may have cried a little too!)
If you are on the fence about trying this tea, please try taking this brief survey below:
1. Do you love your pancakes like I love my pancakes, doused in maple syrup?

2. Are you abnormally excited at the Farmer's Market when you see that they now sell maple syrup by the gallon?

3. Are you are a distant relative to Buddy the Elf?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to try our Maple Tea and let us know how much you love it!
I hope you all enjoy embracing the start of the fall season with us, have a wonderful weekend, and make a cup of our delicious Maple Tea! Happy sipping! - Kaytea :)

P.S. Don't worry, we aren't wishing away the summertime or temperatures! This tea is great iced as well!
P.S.S. Don't forget that the Naples Grape Festival is this weekend, as well! We'll be doing a feature next week on our Ice Wine tea in celebration of this!
I loved your blog on the maple tea. It had me laughing and wanting to brew a cuppa….thanks again for the laugh. Cookie