Good morning, tea friends! Are you loving this warm front that we have been blessed with in the past couple days? We know we are! But we know some people who may either not be loving it, or have been very busy doing a harvest prior - our friends at Casa Larga winery in Fairport! What the heck are they harvesting in the dead of winter, you ask? Well, one of their most sought after and decadent wines proves their Ice Wine. In this blog post, I'll be detailing exactly what Ice Wine is, as well as letting you know about our Ice Wine tea that has been carefully designed to mimic the flavors of the the coveted ice wine.
The grapes that the ice wine is made from are grapes that have grown and become completely frozen through, on the vine in the winter freeze. The freezing of the grape increases the concentration of the acids, aromatics, and most importantly, the sugars. This increase in sugar creates an incredibly sweet flavor profile for the resulting wine to be made, and is highly desired in the sommelier community as a dessert wine. It is also highly prized for another reason. As you can imagine, the freezing of these grapes must be perfectly timed and the yields are often times very small, allowing for only a limited number of bottles of wine each year. When the grapes freeze, even the smallest rise in temperature (which can be by just the sunrise) can cause them to quickly become re-saturated with water, the coveted ingredients to no longer be concentrated, and the once pristine frozen grapes to rot. They must be harvested in an incredibly small window of time, often at night, and immediately put to processing. This time sensitive and labor intensive process proves all worth it once the wine is bottled and enjoyed by sippers, though.
As the harvesting and yielding of this delicious wine is so small, our Ice Wine tea was developed as a way to mimic the flavors! Not only does it do this, a top the bed of black tea, but it always doesn't pull as hard on the purse strings as the actual ice wine! As mentioned, our Ice Wine flavored black tea is composed of a base black tea that is infused with real winter grapes that give you the sweet, sweet flavors that you would expect in a glass of traditional dessert ice wine. Let's hear a bit more from Aubrey on this beautiful blend!
To try some of this lavish and luxurious tea, head on over to our website now! Treat yourself and participate in this season of ice wine indulgence. Don't forget to let us know what you think as well! Also, for more information, please reference this blog that was previously written on our Ice Wine tea. Stay warm and enjoy the sunshine, sippers! Happy sipping! - Kaytea :)
P.S. Here is just one of our glowing customer reviews of this tea!