Greetings, sippers! How are you all feeling on this lovely spring morning? For me, this week has been on the longer side and I find myself reaching for more of our caffeinated teas. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way and as Easter approaches I imagine that even the Easter bunny perhaps might need a little extra boost to keep them hopping. Today, we will be talking about our highly caffeinated teas and why you should give them a sip!

When it comes to green teas, the highest in caffeine is, of course, matcha. Matcha has one of the highest caffeine contents of all teas but that is because when you consume this delicious treat, you are actually consuming the entire tea leaf as opposed to just steeping it like you do with regular tea. With matcha tea, you do not need an infuser. You simply mix your matcha powder into whichever liquid you would like to consume it with. Some even choose to use it in their culinary endeavors by sprinkling it into dishes, smoothies, desserts, etc. It has a very definitive taste that many grow to love and even crave and, furthermore, provides you with a multitude of benefits such as antioxidants and proven fat burning properties. We have a few blog posts that as specifically dedicated to this very trendy and cool tea that I recommend checking out for further information (I'll link them below)! For the purpose of this post, just know that you will be getting the caffeine that you crave in a fun and unexpected way, without the dreaded afternoon crash.
"A Beginner's Guide to Matcha"
Last on our list of caffeinated teas to cover are our white teas. I love these teas as a bit of an afternoon pick me up. They are lovely and light and because of their low caffeine content they don't have me up into the wee hours of the night. My favorite of our white teas these days proves our White Peach. White tea is the most delicate of the tea varieties as it is harvested the earliest; before the tea leaves fully open and while they are still covered in tiny white filaments. The leaves are handpicked and not allowed to oxidize as long as they would for a green or a black tea. This makes for a very light and delicate flavoring, perfectly complemented by peach in this case. Our White Peach tea is mild in flavor, yet you can absolutely taste the peach notes coming through. I like this tea for this time of year especially as it gets me excited for the warmer days to arrive. Below you will find a video of the lovely Aubrey as she tells you a bit more about this tea!
To my regular readers, you are probably wondering why I haven't gone on and on to you about why if you are looking for a caffeine fix, you need to try our Roasted Yerba Mate. Well, just like you young grasshoppers, I am continually learning as well. Today I read an article letting me know that Mate is not actually related to the tea plant, and is, in fact, harvested from a species related to the holly plant. Who knew?! I still love it with all my heart and am very much so a proponent for it! While it may not be related to the tea plant, if the caffeine crutch is what you are searching for, this is my go-to. Read a few of the blog articles that I have written in the past that detail just how much I love Roasted Yerba Mate and why below!
"G'day Roasted Yerba Mate!"
"The Original Five Hour Energy!"
"Fútbol & Mate"
I'm not sure about you all, but all of this talk of caffeine, staying awake, and tea has me needing a cup of one! If you have a tea that works particularly well for you in this realm, please reach out to us so I can add your feedback to the post! We love to hear from our customers and we even more so love publishing it to help everyone else! Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and stay awake and well! - Kaytea :)
P.S. If caffeine isn't your thing, take a look at our Decaf Teas, our Caffeine Free Teas, and our Fruit/Herbal Teas!