So as this holiday season continues and loved ones ask what I would like to find from them underneath the Christmas tree I am finding myself exceptionally grateful this year as I truly cannot think of anything I need or want. While I certainly hope that others are feeling the same this year and that this year has been good to you, I know the frustration and angst that this can cause someone in search of the perfect gift for you and I.

We have seen that throughout history so many revered people have enjoyed the pleasure of a cup of tea and it can prove to be the perfect gift to that individual that appears to have it all.
“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me” – C.S. Lewis
“Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.”
- Bill Waterson “The Calvin and Hobbes 10th Anniversary Book”
There is something special and cozy about sipping on a cup of tea, curled up in a blanket, while reading a good book. One can lose track of minutes, if not hours, in the serenity of this ambience. It is a feeling of peace that all, including all those with a Christmas list, love and long for.
“A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
One of my most difficult people to shop for is always my mother. She is beautiful, unbelievably strong, timelessly wise, incredibly stylish, and, to my dismay, she has everything! Sometimes the people we love and admire the most can be the most difficult to buy for and this I have found that the perfect gift for her is tea. Her strong personality often leads her to have full and stressful days and tea helps her to come home, wind down, and relax into the evening.
“Come, let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things.” – Chaim Potok
This delectable beverage just seems to have the magic properties of bringing us to a happy place and promote the talk of more pleasant things. I like to think that with the gift of tea to our loved ones we are then wondrously able to give this intangible feeling of bliss.
“Would you like an adventure now, or shall we have our tea first?” - Peter Pan
For our loved ones apt with wanderlust, tea is perfect to sit down over to plan the next adventure and conversely just as splendid to reminisce past adventures over.
“’I don’t feel very much like Pooh today’ said Pooh. ‘I’ll bring you tea and honey until you do.’ Said Piglet” – A.A. Milne
This year, at my age, so many of my girlfriends are so eloquently phrasing our birthdays as a “quarter life crisis”. It’s simply a time of uncertainty and perpetual change, which, at times, can be terrifying. Although many of my ladies seem to turn to wine first, I find that tea allows for a more comforting and warm gift to give them. It allows me, especially to my girls who are far from home, give that hug that says “We’re going to be okay.”
“There are those who love to get dirty and fix things. They drink coffee at dawn, beer after work. And those who stay clean and just appreciate things. At breakfast they have milk and juice at night. There are those who do both, they drink tea.” - Gary Snyder
I am finding that no matter the person this year, tea seems to be the foolproof gift to fit every personality. As I spoke early about, it is a language that all taste buds can speak and enjoy. I hope that you all have a truly blessed and wonderful holiday season and I hope that I see you in the shop to wish you this! Happy holiday sipping!
Kay-tea : )
“Where there's tea there's hope.” - Arthur Wing Pinero