Teachers deserve the gift of loose leaf tea
Everyone knows the importance of their children's teachers in their lives. These are people who have likely spent more of your child’s waking hours with them for the last nine months than you have. After your child forms that sort of a bond with another adult, it feels only appropriate to thank them with some sort of gift.

End of the year teacher gifts in many ways aren’t unlike thank you cards--a traditional show of politeness and gratitude whose cultural significance has fallen out of favor in recent years. This seems to have been part of the same trend that ended the social nature of the coffee break in favor of cups of Starbucks closely guarded at desks and main street shopping in favor of larger but more impersonal stores.
So if you’ve decided to get you child’s teacher (or your own favorite teachers) a gift, what do you get them? The easy answer is a mug, or some craft from your child themselves, but apparently there is nothing that teachers like less. It seems that there would be nothing that someone who keeps track of upwards of twenty children every day, in addition to their own, would want more than a moment to themselves. Nothing is more symbolic of that moment to yourself than a loose leaf tea (except maybe a bottle of wine, which your child should probably not be bringing to school).
We highly recommend giving them an ounce or two of our caffeine-free, organic, and deeply relaxing Gentle Slumber. They may also like Last Mango in Paris, Pina Colada, or Angel Falls Mist for similar reasons. For a more complex, but still relaxing and caffeine-free tea, I recommend Autumn Sunset. If this teacher bought Thin Mints from your child, I recommend Chocolate Mint Rooibos, which has a remarkably similar taste.
Keep in mind that your special teacher may not have the equipment necessary to brew loose-leaf tea. Rather than letting the tea you get them go to waste, I recommend including either disposable tea bags, or a infuser such as this one.
If you’re still totally at a loss regarding what to get them, I recommend a gift card, and allowing them to choose for themselves.
Regardless of what you choose, I’m certain that your child’s teacher will appreciate being appreciated. Feel free to comment below with your own thoughts on what to get for your child’s teacher, and how they like their new favorite tea.
Or if you're a teacher tell us about your favorite tea and we will send you a special thanks.